Innovation de produit : Tranter et Hexxcell forgent un partenariat stratégique pour révolutionner la maintenance des échangeurs de chaleur industriels (en anglais)

Tranter Inc., un leader mondial des solutions d'échangeurs de chaleur, et Hexxcell Ltd., un fournisseur innovant de technologies numériques pour les systèmes de transfert de chaleur industriels, annoncent un partenariat stratégique pour transformer la surveillance et la maintenance prédictive des échangeurs de chaleur industriels à plaques et à châssis. Cette collaboration, axée sur l'amélioration de l'efficacité opérationnelle, la réduction des coûts et l'identification d'opportunités durables pour les clients, marque une étape importante dans l'industrie.


Combining Tranter's extensive global expertise in the heat exchanger and maintenance services market with Hexxcell's cutting-edge digital solutions, the partnership is positioned to elevate service standards by providing unparalleled insights into effective maintenance strategies. Leveraging Hexxcell's groundbreaking hybrid-AI digital twin models, plant operators will gain comprehensive insights into heat exchanger performance and identify operational improvements, optimal maintenance actions, and redesign options. Through advanced monitoring, predictive analytics, and prescriptive maintenance, the innovative solution provides actionable recommendations to improve efficiency, reduce downtime, and ensure sustainable operations.

"At Tranter, we are dedicated to driving innovation and sustainability in the heat exchanger industry. Our partnership with Hexxcell demonstrates our commitment to delivering cutting-edge solutions that promote sustainable outcomes for both our customers and the environment." Jan Debruyn, President and CEO, Tranter, Inc.

"Hexxcell is at the forefront of digital innovation in heat transfer systems. We are excited about the possibilities our partnership with Tranter brings to customers. By integrating our technologies and services, we enable operators to reduce costs, emissions, and downtime, while ensuring their heat exchangers receive best-in-class service." Francesco Coletti, CEO of Hexxcell Ltd.

Pour lire l'article complet : Tranter and Hexxcell forge strategic partnership to revolutionize industrial heat exchanger maintenance ( 

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