La réalité augmentée (RA) est-elle sûre pour les utilisateurs industriels ? (en anglais)

L'Alliance de réalité augmentée pour les entreprises (AREA) a détaillé les risques de sécurité de la RA dans l'industrie pour guider les utilisateurs sur la voie de l'adoption de la RA.

Not all have embraced the technology, but with spatial computing making headlines with Apple’s recent Vision Pro headset, holdouts may find themselves increasingly wondering: can AR work for me?

The Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance (AREA) made answering that question a bit easier today with the release of its AR Safety Infographic. The interactive chart details 12 benefits, hazards and risks of industrial AR use to give prospective users a full picture of how the technology could impact their workplace.

AR proselytizers typically don’t dwell on the downsides of the technology, but the AREA infographic reveals several safety risks worth considering. The biggest, shown in red at the bottom, relate to the hard facts of wearing a clunky headset over one’s eyes: cognitive distraction, reduced visibility and physical strain. These downsides could make AR users a risk to themselves and their coworkers, particularly in industrial environments where workers must remain alert to potential danger.

But at the same time as it introduces these risks, AR has the potential to solve them. The top layer of the AREA infographic reveals that AR can benefit user safety by improving their situational awareness, reducing their mental load and decreasing their need to expose themselves to other potential industrial hazards.

Pour lire l'article complet : Is AR safe for industrial users? AREA infographic shows risks and benefits |

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