Le Mexique introduit des incitatifs fiscaux pour promouvoir la délocalisation de proximité (nearshoring) de la fabrication (en anglais)

Le 13 janvier 2025, la présidente du Mexique, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, a annoncé son intention de mettre en place des incitatifs fiscaux destinés à inciter les fabricants étrangers à s'implanter au Mexique. Cette initiative de nearshoring vise à réduire la dépendance aux importations chinoises et à renforcer les relations économiques entre le Mexique et l'Amérique du Nord.

Nearshoring Tax Incentives

The tax breaks introduced by the Mexican government apply to companies in ten sectors, including semiconductors, electronic components, batteries, and pharmaceuticals. 

One of the most appealing incentives is the accelerated depreciation of assets, which allows companies to deduct 56–89% of the cost of machinery and equipment they’ve purchased in 2023–2024 as a tax write-off much sooner than usual.

Other Benefits

Companies will also be able to benefit from a 25% deduction on training expenses for workers over three years.

This perk is designed to encourage businesses to invest in upskilling their workforce, something that will help address the skill gaps that are likely to come up as the nearshoring efforts increase business. 

Pour lire l'article complet : Mexico Introduces Tax Incentives to Promote Nearshoring Manufacturing

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