Marketing de la fabrication industrielle en 2025 : 4 stratégies clés à surveiller (en anglais)

À l’horizon 2025, les leçons de 2024 montrent clairement une chose : l’adaptabilité sera la clé du succès des spécialistes du marketing B2B. Les fabricants industriels devront s'adapter à un paysage changeant qui exige non seulement des produits innovants, mais également des relations significatives avec les clients. Ils devront également naviguer dans les outils, les tendances et les paysages médiatiques en évolution rapide qui définissent le fonctionnement du marketing pour les fabricants industriels.

In 2024, we saw changes in the digital landscape, from shifting audience on social media platforms to major developments in the internet search space. Google’s new privacy policies transformed SEO and how marketers target specific audiences, while regulators also put their monopolistic power on notice with a landmark ruling that could transform the tech landscape even more in 2025.

Looking ahead to 2025, these four key trends have the potential to make the biggest impact in industrial manufacturing marketing next year. Here, we’ll look at how these strategies are reshaping the industry and how your team can use them to their fullest potential.

1. Thought Leadership: Building Trust Through Insight

In today’s increasingly complicated market landscape, B2B buyers want brands that guide them through complex decisions. They have a broad range of challenges to navigate — from the breakneck pace of technology to constantly shifting regulatory regimes to increasing demands for efficiency. By offering knowledge and insights to help solve these challenges, brands can create new and deeper connections with their audience that go beyond the transactional. Cultivating your company’s position as a thought leader in the industry is a powerful way to build trust and credibility, which in turn can lead to more interest in your products and services.

This can play an especially important role during new product launch campaigns. Engineers, manufacturers and other B2B-types value innovation and new ways of thinking to solve business challenges. By tying your product to a deeper story — how it fits into the evolution of the industry as a whole or how it solves big-picture challenges beyond productivity on the floor — you can inspire potential customers and cement your role as an innovative

Pour lire l'article complet : 4 Industrial Manufacturing Marketing Strategies For 2025 | Godfrey

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