Quatre raisons pour lesquelles l'automatisation est l'avenir de la fabrication métallique (en anglais)

Même si la fabrication automatisée était autrefois une possibilité relativement niche, de plus en plus de chefs d’entreprise la considèrent comme une option viable. Ils réalisent que le traitement automatisé des métaux pourrait les aider à atteindre de nouveaux objectifs. Qu’est-ce que l’automatisation de la fabrication et comment peut-elle aider ceux qui l’essaient ?

What is fabrication automation?  

Automation fabrication strategies encompass a large category. For example, computer numerical control (CNC) machining is a common way to automate metal fabrication. Many facilities are also trying more modern approaches, such as using collaborative or mobile robots to supplement humans’ work.   

People considering automated metal processing for their facilities should think about which tasks are most error-prone, costly or strenuous for workers. Those are often some of the most promising duties to automate first. However, all decisions should occur after consultation with the shop workers. They will have valuable input that those who don’t spend time in a production environment might not realize.   

Decision makers should also examine their budgets, the amount of available floor space, the current number of employees and how automation fits into their current and long-term goals. Determining those things makes narrowing the potential options and selecting the most appropriate solutions easier. 

People should also think about automation prospects in the context of their specific facilities. Could an automated tool allow them to increase output or do more with fewer workers? What is fabrication automation good for that other technologies can’t accomplish? Is now the right time for the company to implement automated fabrication? Many leaders find the ideal time is during a less busy period, so workers will have ample time to get accustomed to new processes and machines.   

There is no universally correct answer because the response varies depending on leaders’ most pressing needs. However, many will become even more motivated once they learn about some of the advantages of pursuing automation.  

1. Address the labor shortage 

Research from 2024 suggests fabrication roles will be among the most high-demand occupations in the manufacturing sector. However, filling labor gaps takes time, especially due to the high number of people leaving the workforce due to retirement. People entering metal fabrication careers can learn foundational skills faster and more competently when they have people mentoring them.   

Automation can’t replace mentoring programs and similar on-the-job training. However, it can help shop managers fill labor needs in the short term by allowing fully competent and experienced workers to make the most of their time while the company finds and educates new hires.   



Pour lire l'article complet : Four Reasons Automation Is the Future of Metal Fabrication

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